Faceborg was developed using javascript technology too. Please enable javascript to get the website running properly.

20240328 03:08

About security again.

Just adding a simple evidence: dark mode is difficult to print.

If you are dedicating time to web browser and email client development
in OpenBSD.. I suggest to point antennas on dark mode too..
20240322 10:14

Caja or Mousepad suppress the text editing features or have a readonly mode.

Giving a default readonly *splash* or mode to all our software when unattended
could probably help in dissuading keystroke injection kind of attacks.
20240321 21:45

I tried to port my dev environment from Xfce to Mate and here some of my thoughts:

1) Mate is much lighter, eg tcl/tk software go up like a twist;
2) by multi screens the porting is a true adventure cause Mate doesn't come with a
"Display utility", all the screen configuration happens by xrandr;
3) the software that accompaign Mate is few or doesnt run, eg the power management
utility doesnt function or I can't set my custom 5 Mode background (the background utility
doesnt pop up);
4) the context menu by right clicking anywhere on the desktop has no application menu

I passed a full night with Mate (..) but for now I was happy to come
back to my steps and restore Xfce, although performances seem very
20240211 04:23

TIP: Dealing with nano (or vi editor as well) you can simplify the opening of long file names just using a strategic wildcard, eg:

having date-uuid-blog101.txt

"nano *blog101.txt" is your shortcut.

20240211 04:11

OpenBSD doens't have HDMI audio support yet.

Monitor's speakers prb could rest in peace.

20231216 05:11

OpenBSD 7.4 is now supporting the Unicode encoding at system level, including the Chinese language.

Just wonder to have in your .xinitrc (or in .xsession for xenodm) this:

export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8

20231122 11:34

Adding to Tiny Tools the following:

checkmd5, an md5 checksum utility
check256, a sha256 checksum utility
20231117 18:46

Just added 'regextr' to Tiny Tools.

You can find below, in MagicPot1 or on https://github.com/par7133
20231115 00:12

OpenBSD Fundraising campaign 2023

20231115 00:12


I got inspired by the Tiny Tools article, by Gerald J. Holzmann, with some useful shell tools for coding on Unix-like systems.

The article is severals years old (I. Software, jan/feb 2016) and the code should be adapted to OpenBSD. But I tried to convert them: the code follows, it was uploaded in MagicPot1 like "Tiny-Tools" and it is on GitHub as well.
20231114 23:37

Code for the search variable utility "var"


case $# in
1) (pcregrep -n "^[$]?$1[^\w]" * ; pcregrep -n " ? ?[$]?$1[^\w]" * ; pcregrep -n "[^\w'][$]?$1[^\w]" * ) | sort -un
2) (pcregrep -n "^[$]?$1[^\w]" $2 ; pcregrep -n " ? ?[$]?$1[^\w]" $2 ; pcregrep -n "[^\w'][$]?$1[^\w]" $2 ) | sort -un
*) echo "usage: var [identifier] [file]?"
exit 1
exit 0
20231114 21:31

Code for the search function utility "fun"


case $# in
1) sed -n /function.$1/,/}/p *; sed -n /proc.$1/,/}/p *; sed -n /sub.$1/,/}/p *;
2) sed -n /function.$1/,/}/p $2; sed -n /proc.$1/,/}/p $2; sed -n /sub.$1/,/}/p $2;
*) echo "usage: fun fctname [filename]?"
exit 1
exit 0
20231114 11:11

Code for the printing utility "nana"


if [ "X$1" = "X" ]; then
echo "usage: nana [[startline] [endline]]? [file]*"

if [ -f $1 ]

pr -t -n -m $*

O=`expr $1 - 1`
M=`expr $2 - $O`

echo \<$3\>
pr -t -n $3 | head -n$N | tail -n$M

20231114 00:29

Two more utilities from packages to debug your system:

lspci displays detailed information about all PCI buses and devices.

pkg_add pciutils

You can run it in this way:
wiz# lspci

dmidecode reports information about your system's hardware as described in your system BIOS

pkg_add dmidecode

You can run it in this way:
wiz# dmidecode | less

NB: dmidecode requires root access and access to the kernel memory (kern.allowkmem=1)
20231111 16:04

Pdf viewer made it simple:

Evince has a lighter version here named Evince Light.

Please, check your repo for exact package name.

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  A 5 Mode project and WYSIWYG system. Some rights reserved.