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20230929 15:58

I just came to know the net utility nc (or netcat) by which you can do chats, file transfers, port probs etc.

Open the man (or mangl) and point to nc.
20230929 15:16

My solution taken from "Building Linux and OpenBSD Firewalls" (see Internet Archive) to solve the no traffic prb caused by inserting the default "block in all" statement.

I moved the following statements just after it:

# dns
pass in quick proto udp from any port domain to any
pass out quick proto udp from any to any port domain

# icmp
pass in quick inet proto icmp all icmp-type 0
pass in quick inet proto icmp all icmp-type 3
pass in quick inet proto icmp all icmp-type 11

20230928 17:33

Let me shout with myself again about the same stuff.

We are building stuff for users and NOT for developers, forget the latter. This is why we should get rid off "the man" as we know it.
20230928 17:29

OpenBSD Fundraising campaign 2023

20230928 12:48

Attention! This hint requires true paranoids ;)

Shell scripting gives you the ability to mount your core system (/etc, /bin, /sbin) in different time frames.

You have all the potential to do the following:
- mantains copy for your main system folders on root
- boot your system by mounting /etc and all the /bin and /sbin readonly and locked down;
- unmount on demand the system to accept updates;
- mount your system to return in readonly mode.

Consider also these small pieces of code:

unmountEtc() {
(set +e;trap 'umount -f "/etc"' 0 1 2 3 5 7 10 15;sleep 5) || return

if mount -t ffs -r -o nodev,nosuid /dev/sd1j /etc; then
sleep 3
echo "- /etc restored readonly, maybe"
sleep 3
echo "!! problems remounting /etc readonly !!"

20230927 23:02

More then a decade on the same hardware become also difficult to me own praticability to report bugs.

In the end I find time and right way (Stu) to do my first report:

wiz$ sendbug -P

and sent it by my favorit email client.
20230926 17:04

At system level, do you deal with shell scripting only?

I have strong roots to scripting and RAD development, I do shell scripting and, web pages, and find really interesting TCL/TK for what concern building small GUIs.

20230926 15:56

Feature requests.

I mostly miss in the Chinese language support at system level, I know 'the crew' is working over it.

Any more? I'm much sad about "the man" of all these systems around.. I could like OpenBSD as the first one to rise hands and deal with it.
20230926 15:38

If toasting data needs right approach specific businesses like dealing with images needs "ciccia".

Like good OCR solution I think there is only one: Tesseract.
20230926 15:34

I'm always is search of software utilities to monitor and fully check my system.

One of the few I recently (Stu) learn to use is "ldd" to check depndencies.

Let me know about more useful stuff..
20230926 15:18

Admitting security is a big thing here too.

For example, I am wondering how much easy is to insert a stick in my system, mount it and access / and /etc on it. Done it remotly could be quite.. fantastic (?)
20230926 15:14

A little bit of history:

Famously, Brian Kernighan said: I still use some shell scripts that I wrote 30 or 40 years ago, and this is not at all unusual among long-time Unix users.
20230926 15:09

A little bit of history:

I was listening an old BDSTalk podcast from the Internet Archive lately and popped up how Theo, decades ago, he received indirectly founds from DARPA by a University to make Unix secure. Ecchhu!

20230926 08:42

I'm taking advantage from the passage to new disk standards, to add on my sata "storage warehouse" in a cheap fashion.

You know how.
20230926 08:27

Admitting toasting data by copy machines doesn't save the whole shelter if anything is wrong.

I recently came back to my dailys with differential backups.

I stick on rdiff.

Hash Me!
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